9 secrets to lose your belly fat within a week

You want to wear your favorite designer’s dresses but you are worried about your belly fat. As we know the dress will not look good on belly fat. But don’t worry today we are going to discuss some important and tips to lose your belly fat. You can wear your favorite dresses and clothes after losing your belly fat. Most of the females can’t go to the gym regularly then how they can lose their belly fat? Is there any way to lose your belly fat at home? Yes, you can lose your belly fat at your home by following some easy tips.

Bellay fat is a very harmful fat in your body and it is linked with various diseases. Workout is good to lose the fat of your belly but you can use some other tips to lose your fat faster and easier. A workout is not an easy way to lose your belly fat as you have to do a lot of work. But if you use the following tips to lose your belly fat faster and in an easy way.

1. Drink warm water with lemon and honey

Drink warm water in the early morning with lemon before your breakfast. Warm water and lemon are very useful in losing belly fat as well as the overall fat on your body. You can add honey with water and lemon it will increase the taste and also be very helpful in losing belly fat. Also, drink water as much as you can you must drink almost 4-5 liters of water on a daily basis. But if you drink even more then it would be great and helps you to reduce your belly fat. Keep using lemon and honey drinks almost for 15 days for better results and in the end, you will get a flat and smart tummy.

2. Eat Yogurt with black pepper

The yogurt is very good for the body and it will help you to lose your fat and shows results within a week. Eat yogurt after adding some black pepper powder to it in your morning before breakfast. After eating that yogurt with black pepper go for 5-20 minutes round then come back and relax your body by sitting on a chair. Then wait almost for 45 minutes and eat your breakfast rich in protein foods.

3. Do aerobic exercises

If you want to burn your fat faster than you must include aerobic exercises in your daily routine. Studies have shown that this is the best exercise to lose your belly fat faster. You will get results within the first week of the exercise if you include this exercise in your daily routine. After this exercise, you will feel a difference by yourself in your belly fat. It will start burning when you include this exercise in your daily workout routine. Do this exercise almost for 2-3 weeks for the best possible results. You will feel the difference in your belly fat within a week of this exercise.

Aerobic exercise to lose belly fat. image credit:@womendailymagazine.com

4. Eat a high protein breakfast

Start your day with a high-protein breakfast after drinking warm water and eating your yogurt with black peppers. Eat some protein smoothies, scrambled egg whites, or porridge in your breakfast. After eating these proteins in your breakfast you will feel full until lunchtime which will help in losing your belly fat. Proteins will increase your metabolic rate and help in weight loss. Make it your habit to eat this breakfast until you will lose your desired belly fat.

5. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables

The type of food is very important and has a vital role in bringing any change to your body. Make your habit to eat fresh fruits regularly and use fresh vegetables in your diet regularly. Eat some natural foods and always use fresh vegetables particularly the vegetables that have green leaves. These vegetables will help in the burning of the belly fat and also restricted the fat production in the body. The best way to lose your belly fat is by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Make sure to fill your half plate with fresh fruits and vegetables at every meal. As fruits and vegetables have a low-calorie nature so, they will lower the overall calorie intake of your meal.

6. Cook your food in Olive Oil

Olive oil is very useful in losing weight in the body and also helps to lose your belly fat. Olive oil is one of the best healthiest fat you can eat. Studies have shown that intake of olive oil increases your metabolism and reduces the amount of fat that you store in response to high-calorie intake. Daily put one drop of olive oil in your navel and do a massage for 1-2 minutes while sleeping it will decrease your belly fat within a week. And this oil will also strengthen your bones and brain. You will feel the difference within a week.

RELATED ARTICLE: Secret Health Benefits of Olive Oil

7. Go for around after every meal

In this era, almost half of the population is worried about their belly fat. But why do you get this belly fat? Most of the people that have belly fat are due to their laziness and they have a habit to go to bed right after eating their meals. Don’t go to your bed right after your meal it will increase your belly fat dramatically. Eat your meal and then sit there almost for 20-30 minutes and then go for around and walk. You can end your walk after 150 steps and if wish to walk more it will be great but 150 steps are sufficient to avoid belly fat. Adopt this as your habit for life and you will never suffer from belly fat till the end of your life.

8. Reduce alcoholic drinks

Alcohol is not good to drink and it’s very harmful to human health. Most of the studies have shown that consumption of alcohol is directly linked with the increased amount of visceral fat. Reduce or avoid drinking alcohol to reduce your belly fat and live a healthy and smart life with a flat belly. Many alcoholic drinks are mixed with sugary and sweetened beverages. The combination of sugar and alcohol can increase your risk of visceral fat. Avoid alcohol to have a flat tummy.

9. Sleep well to avoid weight gain

Sleep and rest are very important for the overall health of your body and they also affect body weight. The studies have shown that less sleep will increase weight gain, which may also include belly fat. 16-year research involving almost 68,000 females found that the females who slept for 5 hours per night get more weight than the females who slept for 7 hours per night. Sleep almost for 7 hours or more per night to reduce the risk of weight gain due to sleep. If you have any sleep disorder then talk to your doctor to get restful sleep.


Belly fat is a serious issue particularly in women as they can’t wear their favorite dresses due to increased belly fat. Belly fat is also related to many diseases in the human body. We have added almost all important tips to lose your belly fat. But if you think we have missed something then comment and share your valuable thoughts and experience to help fatty people to live a healthy life with a flat belly.

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